- Post more stuff on Venezuelan Beaver Cheese.
- Post stuff on Venezuelan Beaver Cheese that isn't crap.
- Don't do crack before posting stuff on Venezuelan Beaver Cheese.
- Don't do crack ever.
- Change Venezuelan Beaver Cheese's name to something funny.
- Use more leet on Venezuelan Beaver Cheese.
- F1nD 0u7 VVh47 15 4 V3n3zu3l4n 834V3r.
- Give a fish to a dolphin.
- Don't eat that dolphin after giving it a fish.
- Don't call my stupid brother names.
- Don't do kitten huffing (yeah right).
- Eat some cheese.
- Get a girlfriend(s).
- Do more stuff for the lulz.
- Learn to sing.
- Eat green vegetables and that sort of crap.
- Don't try to rule the world.
- Do more procrastination.
- Find out what "procrastination" means.
- Get a mypage.
- Get a Hi5 account.
- Screw Hi5. Get a Hi6 account.
- Don't make so much fun at homophobics, racists, sexists, masochists, patriotists, monotheists and other people ending in "ists".
- Use less curse words.
- Ignore the last line.
- Fuck.
- Get a tan.
- Steal a car.
- Steal more cars.
- Try to escape a police hellicopter.
- So long and thanks for all the fish.